Proxy by Amazon EC2

  1. Navigate to the EC2 console by following You will need to logon your AWS account. If you have not got account create one. It’s free!
  2. Once you’ve logged Create a Key Pair by selecting Key Pairs which is near the bottom of the menu on the left. 2.1. Select Create a Key pair, 2.2 enter a name and save the file onto your local file system. 2.3 Change the permission to make it read only (chmod 400 <filename>)
  3. Create a new Elastic IP Address
  4. Launch a new Instance.
  5. Launch the Instance using the Key Pair generated earlier.
  6. Wait a few minutes for the instance to go live.
  7. Associate your instance to the previously create Elastic IP Address
  8. Press the Connect button and follow the instructions to connect. If you have previously connected using the same Elastic IP address you will need to remove the entry in the .ssh/known_hosts file. (If you’re not connecting to anything else using SSH you can just remove the known_hosts file as this will be regenerated).
  9. Once connected, you will need to install Squid (yum install squid)
  10. Once installed edit the /etc/squid/squid.conf to allow access from all machines. The configuration I am suggesting should be changed but I am using it initially to get things working. The conf file can be edited with:

    #http_access allow manager localhost
    http_access allow all

Start Proxy with: /etc/init.d/squid start
