WhatsApp DB

Simple web page that can read and display a WhatsApp database (iOS version only). https://github.com/lbalogh/WhatsAppDBReader Use a Raspberry Pi as a combined iPhone power adapter / backup https://github.com/corsac-s/ipibackup A library to communicate with services of Apple iOS devices https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice libimobiledevice installation guide https://askubuntu.com/questions/598940/libimobiledevice-1-2-ios-8-support-for-ubuntu-14-04-trusty/712154#712154 Reverse Engineering the iOS Backup https://www.richinfante.com/2017/3/16/reverse-engineering-the-ios-backup/

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Find my Samsung

Find My Mobile will help you locate your device and protect your data. You can even use it to unlock your phone if you forget your password or PIN.

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DeblurGAN: Conditional Adversarial Networks for Blind Image Deblurring, Орест Купин https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xbz_wKX2Gw

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Super SloMo

https://github.com/avinashpaliwal/Super-SloMo Super SloMo fun. Or how you can make awesome YouTube videos with AI https://towardsdatascience.com/super-slomo-fun-or-how-you-can-make-awesome-youtube-videos-with-ai-2d6459f6de14

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PHP Compatibility check for PHP_CodeSniffer

This is a set of sniffs for PHP CodeSniffer that checks for PHP cross-version compatibility. It will allow you to analyse your code for compatibility with higher and lower versions of PHP. https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility https://www.sitepoint.com/quick-intro-phpcompatibility-standard-for-phpcs-are-you-php7-ready/

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Pomodoro Timer for Ubuntu

This GNOME app helps to manage time according to Pomodoro Technique. It intends to improve productivity and quality of work by reminding you to take short breaks. Pomodoro Technique is based on two principles: focusing on work for limited time, about half an hour, clearing your mind during breaks. This workflow can improve focus, physical health and mental agility depending on how you spend your breaks and how strictly you follow the routine.

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Ubuntu GUI on Windows 10

I got it working by installing x11-apps to get the X subsystem, then running a X listener like XMING or XManager on the Windows10 side. export DISPLAY=:0 (You also can add export DISPLAY=:0 to the last line of your user’s .bashrc file) Then run xclock to verify. https://superuser.com/questions/1075659/open-ubuntu-bashs-gui-applications-on-windows-10

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