Imagine Iceland

This is a different version of my previous short film, it is a collection of memories from my epic 10-day road trip around Iceland in November 2016.

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Docker LAMP/LEMP Stack

Devilbox GitHub Setup and Workflow Email catch all Laradock A full PHP development environment for Docker. Presets: Laravel, Drupal, Symfony, CodeIgniter, WordPress… Addons: Database Engines: MySQL - MariaDB - Percona - MongoDB - Neo4j - RethinkDB - MSSQL - PostgreSQL - Postgres Postgis. Cache Engines: Redis - Memcached - Aerospike PHP Servers: NGINX - Apache2 - Caddy PHP Compilers: PHP FPM - HHVM Message Queuing: Beanstalkd - Beanstalkd Console - RabbitMQ - RabbitMQ Console - PHP Worker Tools: HAProxy - Jenkins - ElasticSearch - Selenium - Certbot - Mailhog - Minio - Varnish - PhpMyAdmin - Adminer - PgAdmin - MailHog - Blackfire Links:

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Applied Cryptography

Cryptography is present in everyday life, from paying with a credit card to using the telephone. Learn all about making and breaking puzzles in computing.

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Введение в криптографию и шифрование

Чтобы сходу понимать материалы об инфраструктуре открытых ключей, сетевой безопасности и HTTPS, нужно знать основы криптографической теории. Один из самых быстрых способов изучить их — посмотреть или прочитать лекцию Владимира ivlad Иванова. Владимир — известный специалист по сетям и системам их защиты. Он долгое время работал в Яндексе, был одним из руководителей департамента эксплуатации.

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Script for downloading videos and naming them. Installation cd /directory/where/I/want/my/courses virtualenv my-coursera cd my-coursera source bin/activate git clone cd coursera-dl pip install -r requirements.txt ./coursera-dl ... Using cd /directory/where/I/want/my/courses/my-coursera source bin/activate cd coursera-dl ./coursera-dl ...

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Blogging With Git Flow

Git Flow is an add-in for Git, that helps us to follow the feature branch process in a standard way. We usually use our Jira ticket number as names for features, bugs, or hotfixes, and we use the Jira Version as a Release name. This makes absolute sense to us and makes the flow pretty transparent. We also use BitBucket to host our Git repositories, which is directly linked to Jira.

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